SciTE4AutoIt3 versions

Edit AutoIt3 programs on a modified version of SciTE with syntax highlighting
Mar 27, 2021
Feb 10, 2019
Jul 11, 2018
Mar 3, 2017
Jun 21, 2016
Sep 21, 2015
Aug 5, 2014
Nov 28, 2012
Jul 25, 2008

What's new

v19.1 [Feb 10, 2019]
*** Merged the SciTE v 4.1.2 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE:
- Fixed regex issue for Alt F in AutoItTools.lua.
- Fixed another regex issue for several functions in AutoItTools.lua.
- Fixed Header parameters now showing None when none are.
- Fixed jump to function to also jump to the right Column again.
- Restored AutoItTools:Copy_BookMarks() functionality.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v19.102.1901.0:
- 18.703.1808.1 renamed "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Stripper_Stop_OnError" to "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Stripper_OnError" with now as options S,C,F,Stop,Continue,ForceUse.
- 18.708.1148.1 Added #include back in the included file list to ensure backward compatibility.
- 18.708.1148.2 Added "Tidy_Stop_OnError" support to the AutoIt3Wrapper.INI file.
- 18.708.1148.4 Added logic to be able to display Console Output of script that have #RequireAdmin while SciTE runs at normal level.
- 18.708.1148.5 Added support to allow to Stop Execution or Restart for scripts with #RequireAdmin while SciTE runs at normal level.
- 18.708.1148.6 Reverted HiDPI changes made in 18.708.1148.2 as problems are reported. needs investigation.
- 18.708.1148.7 Changed check for RequireAdmin AutoIt3Wrapper startup.
- 18.708.1148.8 Added #include for backwards compatibility with AutoIt3 v3.3.14.x.
*** Updated Au3Stripper v19.102.1901.0:
- 18.708.1148.1 Fixed issue finding variable names on multiline statements.
- 18.708.1148.2 Added check for ending \ in the AutoIt3Dir, and remove it when there, to avoid duplication of includes.
- recompiled with PellesC 6 to make it compatible with WinXP again.
*** Updated SciTEConfig v19.102.1901.0:
- 18.708.1148.1 Update to allow comments in *.SciTEConfig file lines. (JPM).g between them.
*** Updated Tidy v19.102.1901.0:
- 18.708.1148.1: Fix bug handling Directivelines ending with continuation character.
- 18.708.1148.2: Fixed indentation when a "None breaking space"(C2A0) character is used in a UTF file.
- 18.708.1148.3: Fix bug when a continuation line starts with x, where is would add a space between - and number.
- 18.708.9999.x: Rewrite of some internal code to allow inlinecomments to remain at their current position.- 18.708.9999.22: Released to Beta.
- 18.708.9999.23: Added option to totally skip commentblocks.
- 18.708.9999.24: Added check for ending \ in the AutoIt3Dir and remove it when there.
- recompiled with PellesC 6 to make it compatible with WinXP again.

v18.7 [Jul 11, 2018]
- 17.224.935.1 Added /autoit3dir to au3stripper commandline, when provided to AutoIt3Wrapper., to ensure the included files are for the correct AutoIt3 directory.
- 17.224.935.2 Added directives:
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName= ;Company field.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTrademarks= ;Trademark field.
- 17.224.935.5 Fixed Versioning when files contain backets -> ().
- 17.224.935.6 Added support for :
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3stripper_Stop_OnError=;(Y/N) Continue/Stop on Warnings.(Default=N).
- 17.224.935.7 added INI support for:
- 17.224.935.10 Minor changes in console messages.
- 17.224.935.11 Modifications from JPM:
- add #AutpIt3Wrapper_Res_Cursor_Add.
- "clean" a little bit AutoIt3Wrapper.au3.

v17.2 [Mar 3, 2017]
Merged the SciTE v 3.7.3 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v17.224.935.0 (Jos)
- 16.612.1119.1 Fixed #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Stop_OnError=N, avoiding to stop even when No or not specified.
- 16.612.1119.2 Fixed #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Stop_OnError=N, avoiding to stop even when No or not specified.
- 16.612.1119.3 Added warning for #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64 in case #pragma(out,..) is used.
Updated Au3Stripper v17.224.935.0 (Jos)
- 16.612.1119.1 Fixed issue which sometimes was stripping a global const incorrectly
- 16.612.1119.2 Fixed /maxiterations parameter not recognised
- 16.612.1119.3 Fixed increased the max #Au3Stripper_Ignore_Variables to 500 and for #Au3Stripper_Ignore_Funcs to 200
- 16.612.1119.4 Fixed regression introduced in 16.612.1119.1
Updated SciTEConfig v17.224.935.0 (Jos)
- 16.306.1119.1 ...
Updated Tidy v17.224.935.0 (Jos)
- 16.612.1119.1: Fixed Sort_Func function bug when the source contains a BOM.
Updated CodewiZard v1.5.4.0 (Cyberyeye)
- Fix Icon Ressource Number for Messagebox Tab & ToolTip Tab
- Check/Fix missing includes using AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=y
- Added Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) to fix undeclared variables
- Replaced msgbox() magic number by constant name
- Added GUISetIcon var (au3.ico)
- Removed unusefull old AutoIt3Wrapper directive
Updated Abbreviations (mLipok)
- Updated and helpfile page.

v16.6 [Jun 21, 2016]
- Merged the SciTE v 3.6.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE.
- Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v16.612.1119.0.
- Updated Au3Stripper v16.612.1119.0.
- Updated SciTEConfig v16.612.1119.0.
- Updated Tidy v16.612.1119.0.
- Updated Abbreviations.

v15.9 [Sep 21, 2015]
Fixed /Watcher and /Jump2FirstError mechanism to kill the script when Ctrl Break or via the Menu the script should be terminated.

v14.8 [Aug 5, 2014]
Merged the SciTE v 3.4.4 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE.
- Added Options: #~ highlight.current.word.stopatspace=0 // 1 is the default behaviour.
- Added Ctrl+E shortcut which will open Explorer in the ScriptDir and select the filename being edited.
- Added Shift+F7 to just compile the script for testing without running any other utility. Similar to #AutoIt3Wrapper_Testing=y
- Added logic to better determine the current CallTip parameter being edited by testing for the delimiter style define with:
Updated SciTE4AutoIt3 installer v14.801.1932.0
- Changed code to update the SCITE_USERHOME enviroment variable.
- Added Restore option for SciTE-Lite when uninstalling this Full version.
Updated SciTE4AutoIt3 helpfile (Jos)
- Added Directive sections to the index.
- Updated AutoIt3Help.exe to automatically open this helpfile when the keyword contains #autoit3wrapper_ , #au3stripper or #tidy_.
Updated Au3Stripper v14.801.1932.0
- Fixed lexing typo with /RenameMinimum commandline parameter.
- Fixed to be able to handle more levels of Include files and avoid a stackspace crash .
- Added #Au3Stripper_Parameters Parameter: - /rsln -> Replace @ScriptLineNumber with the actual line number for source debug purposes with compiled scripts. (Idea of mLipok)
Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v14.801.1932.0 (Jos)
- Changed the re-start shortcut to Ctrl+Alt+Break.
- Added /test parameter to allow shortcut to compile script in test without running anything else than AUT2XE.
- Added UPX support for x64 scripts since it is now supported.
- Added ShowProgress INI option and #AutoIt3Wrapper_ShowProgress directive to allow disable of Progress Window.
- Added directives to allow forcing the #RequireAdmin for Run_Before or Run_After statements:
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before_Admin= ;(Y/N) Run subsequent Run_Before statements with #RequireAdmin. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After_Admin= ;(Y/N) Run subsequent Run_After statements with #RequireAdmin. Default=N
- Added directives to allow Fileversion increase before compilation:
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_First_Increment ;(Y/N) AutoIncrement Y=Before or N=After compile. Default=N
Updated SciTEConfig v14.801.1932.0
- Fixed several small bugs.
Updated Tidy v14.801.1932.0
- Fixed regression when the FUNC keyword is on a #region line
Updated CodeWizard v1.5.3.1
- Fixed to make use of the new SCITE_USERHOME env variable and several other syntax updates.

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